
Zika protection: How to prevent mosquito bites

One of the big worries here that the mosquito appears to be resistant to the pesticides they’re using and will make control efforts hard.


The CDC said people returning from the affected area of Florida should use mosquito repellent for three weeks to protect their families and guard against further transmission at home.

Last week, four cases of locally-caught Zika were confirmed in Florida – the first infections in the USA that have not been linked to travel outside the United States mainland.

The state said it began investigating its first suspected case of locally transmitted Zika on July 7.

Most Zika infections have occurred in Latin America and the Caribbean. Scientists have confirmed that infection during pregnancy can lead to the birth defect microcephaly, which results in unusually small heads in newborns.

Scott said in a statement the 10 new cases of Zika also were likely caused by bites from local mosquitoes. “Our altitude is too high for the mosquito that transmits Zika virus to live here”.

The travel warning covers an area of about one square mile in Wynwood to the east of Interstate 95 and south of I-195.

The governor offered assurances that he’s taking appropriate measures to control the virus, including traveling the state and meeting with mosquito-control districts, local health departments and allocating dollars.

“As we have anticipated, Zika is now here”, Frieden said. The area is rapidly gentrifying and has numerous construction sites where standing water can collect and serve as a breeding area for mosquitos. “But I’m scared, because they say that Zika is here in Wynwood”.

USA health officials do not expect widespread outbreaks of the sort seen in Brazil and Latin America. The reason: better insect control as well as window screens and air conditioning that should help curtail any outbreaks. That is the earliest known date that one of the people could have been infected with Zika. The CDC issued an advisory, Monday, Aug. 1, 2016, that says pregnant women should not.

“There’s a lot of activity going on by the local health authorities of very aggressive mosquito abatement control in order to prevent this spread beyond the Dade County area”. “This is an unusual neighbourhood, or an emerging neighbourhood”, Frieden said. Two travel-related cases of Zika have been reported in Escambia County. The virus can also spread by sexual contact. If a male or female partner of a pregnant woman should go to these areas, then they should practice safe sex through the rest of the pregnancy.

State officials along the Gulf Coast say a lack of funding has hampered their Zika response efforts. That’s based on outbreaks of two similar mosquito-borne diseases, dengue fever and chikungunya.


This Q&A will tell you what you need to know about Zika.

Dade County mosquito control worker sprays around a home in the Wynwood area of Miami on Monday Aug. 1 2016. The CDC has issued a new advisory that says pregnant women should not travel a Zika-stricken part of Miami and pregnant women