
Zimbabwe to US: Extradite dentist over killing of Cecil the lion

As Zimbabwe seeks to extradite the American dentist responsible for killing Cecil, the country’s most beloved lion, an animal psychic says the big cat is doing just fine after claiming to have made contact with the slain animal.


Palmer does not appear to have violated any U.S. laws, the Star Tribune says, because the lion he killed is not protected by the Endangered Species Act and he did not attempt to bring its carcass home, which would have been illegal without proper permission.

“They (U.S. courts) may actually doubt the competence of the judiciary here to try him in an objective manner particularly given these prejudicial pronouncements that the politicians are already making”, said Muchadehama.

Palmer issued a statement earlier in the week saying he paid professional guides for a private safari to stalk Cecil and kill him, but he believed the hunt to be legal.

Palmer’s dental practice in Minnesota has been the scene of protests against Cecil’s death, with crowds leaving toys of lions, tigers and monkeys outside the building. The landowner violated the act because he ‘allowed a hunt to be conducted without a quota and necessary permit, ‘ Muchinguri said. The U.S. Embassy in Zimbabwe said Friday that it does not comment on extradition matters. ‘Police should take the first step to approach the prosecutor general who will approach the Americans.

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Now Zimbabwe would like a word-via an extradition request.

Muvhiringi said only after Palmer had killed Cecil did they realize this was a known lion who was wearing a Global Positioning System tracking collar.

The FWS said Friday it was in contact with Palmer’s representatives, after announcing late Thursday that they were seeking an immediate interview with the hunter.

The White House also said today that it will review a public petition to extradite Palmer to Zimbabwe over the illegal hunt after the petition surpassed a 100,000 signature threshold.

“From investigations carried out so far it shows that the whole poaching event was properly orchestrated and well financed to make sure that it succeeds”, Muchinguri said.

Zimbabwean authorities charged professional hunter Theo Bronkhorst in Cecil’s death; he was released Wednesday on $1,000 bail, The Associated Press reported.

If convicted, he will likely face jail time.

The dentist, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, shot the lion with a bow and arrow at around 10pm after it had been lured by bait.


Last year, the southern African nation, which is still recovering from billion-percent hyperinflation a decade ago, earned $45 million from hunting, Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority head Edison Chadziya told reporters.

More than just Cecil; big troubles for king of the jungle