
Zuckerberg, in Facebook post, invokes Jewish heritage in support of Muslims

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has offered his support to Muslims while encouraging others to do the same in a post he made on his social network on December 9.


Zuckerberg further added that Facebook will fight to protect the rights of Muslims, so as to create “a peaceful and safe environment” for them.

Earlier this year, Presidental contender Donald Trump (ugh, I feel so dirty just writing that) called outSilicon Valley, and Mark Zuckerberg in particular, over its immigration policy.

US Muslims are highly concerned for their security after a rise in hate crimes following the terrorist attack in Paris.

“In times when attacks on your freedom are apparent, those attacks that hurt anyone will hurt everyone”, Zuckerberg said to his myriad followers on Facebook.

The US is facing a new wave of Islamophobia triggered by the recent attacks in Paris and California as well as the divisive rhetoric adopted by US presidential candidates in the wake of those attacks. He placed himself in the Muslims’ position, by saying he can only imagine their fear of being persecuted because of the actions of extremists.

Zuckerberg said that, as a Jew, his parents taught him to “stand up against attacks on all communities”.

The post now has over 1 million Likes on the site since it was posted yesterday, along with almost 200,000 shares.

Finally, he unequivocally voiced his continued support for the Muslim community on Facebook. We must not lose hope.

Trump later said in an interview, “I’m doing good for the Muslims”.


The Facebook CEO joins politicians who have spoken out against Trump.

Mark Zuckerberg “I Will Fight to Protect Muslims’ Rights”